Here is a list of all the manuals for which you can download a copy.

This should be your first step whenever you have any questions about your gate automation.

Or if you have misplaced the copy you can download a new copy here.

If you are unsure (or can't remember) of the model you have, have a browse through our Automation & Parts catalogue from the headings at the top of the page - use the pictures of the different products to help identify your model, then you can come back to this page and select the appropriate model.

Click on the relevant model to you from the below lists to download.


Sliding motor models

Boxer (500 / 800) Manufacturers manual (control board has 3 digit LED display)

Boxer (500 / 800) "E Series" Manufacturers manual (control board has 2 digit LED display)

Super12 Slider

Swing gate motor models

Terrier Swing Opener - Installation Manual

Mastiff Swing Opener - Installation Manual

D1 Control Board (for E8 or GR model 12v swing arms)

D1 Replacement board EGA-04

GR Swing Opener

Papillon Swing Opener

CB19 Limit Switch Manual

CB19 Mastiff With Limit Switch Wiring Guide

Accessory models

TMT Wireless Device Manual

Wireless Keypad for TMT models of automation

7612 or 6612 wired in Keypad

Vehicle Detector Probe (EMX vmd_202)

Dial To Open GSM

DEA Semi Wireless Safety Beams

DEA Semi Wireless Safety Beams Video Tutorial

TMT Universal Receiver 

Hardware Items

Vertical Key-lock latch - installation guide

Vertical Key-lock latch - changing the key guide

Physical Installation Help Guides

How to install a sliding gate

How to install a Cantilever

Helpful hints to installing a sliding gate

Sliding Gate Electrical Information

How to install your EasyScreen

How to install your Gas Bottle Cover

How to install Wheelie Bin Cover - 2 Bins

How to install Wheelie Bin 3rd Door Extension

Colour Options

Powder Coating Colour Options