General Questions

Can I get a copy of the manual for ...?

To download a copy of the manual for any of our automation models or accessories (eg keypads)  - please click here for our list of manuals.

Select the model of motor / automation you have, or the accessory you are interested in, and you will be able to download the version of manual that we have.

Do this first if you are having any technical questions or queries, as the majority of answers will be within the relevant manual.

If you are unsure (or can't remember) of the model you have, have a browse through our Automation & Parts catalogue from the headings at the top of the page - use the pictures of the different products to help identify your model, then you can come back to this page and select the appropriate model.

Select your manual to download here

Can You Supply An Electric | Automatic Opening Gate?

Yes, we certainly can. EasyGate have electric (or automatic) gate openers that use low voltage - most often 24v - motors. This makes them easy to add on to most gates - you DO NOT need mains power at the gate. 

Think of our gate automation as a 'bolt on' kit. So you can get a brand new gate from us and the automation at the same time. Or you can get just a gate initially and open it manually, with the option of adding automation later. 

Or you can get just an electric gate opener to use on an existing gate.

With a gate motor kit from EasyGate you get remotes and a keypad included with it.  

We can arrange delivery New Zealand wide.

Do you do gate repairs - especially for gates you have made?

We work in aluminium, so cannot consider wood or steel gates.

For a damaged aluminium gate - it is really a case by case situation. Over half the cases shown to us it is not practical or cost effective to repair - it is better to build a new replacement gate. 

Factors involved include: how much damage and just where in the frame that is; that we need to spend time grinding back existing powder coating before attempting any repair; that beyond the immediately visible damage there can be twists along the frame; there is the cost of powder coating the full frame anyway - whether a repaired gate or new one; any freight hassle and cost for you to get a gate back to us. Plus other considerations.

If you have an aluminium gate that has been damaged - best first steps are to email through to us several photos that show that overall gate and also ones that clearly show the amount of damage. Please also give us the height and length measurement of the frame.

We can then give our first thoughts and discuss from there.


Who is EasyGate? And how long have you been around?

EasyGate are a dynamic company who specialise in the supply of self-fit (DIY) gates and gate automation kits to the public direct. Serving customers NATIONWIDE from our Bay of Plenty base.

We work primarily on a ´supply only´ basis. Our overheads are low - this saving is passed onto you, the customer. We believe that our prices cannot be beaten, when comparing the specifications of our gates or automation kits with our competitors.

We've been around a while, more than 12 years. Our core staff have an even longer experience in fitting and turning, welding, and quality metal fabrication. Our NZ factory is owned by us where all our custom built gates are made. 

Can you visit our property and measure up or install our gate?

You get to save $$ by dealing direct with the manufacturer for your gate. To give you the best deal we concentrate on what we do best - building fantastic gates and supplying the automation to go with them.

Unfortunately this means we're just not set up for making site visits or doing installation. 

Many people are happy to take their own measurements and provide them to us to manufacture, and then DIY install. Or you can use an independent contractor close to you.

Which type of gate - Sliding or Swing?

It is often a personal choices which type you buy, or for some people it will be dictated by their property characteristics eg is there space for a sliding gate to open in to, or if there is sufficient space for the opening arch of a swing gate(s).

The swing gate is the easiest to install. The sliding gate is good because of its self-locking ability and space saving advantages but needs concrete footings to be poured thus requiring more installation work.