Technical Support | Copies of Manuals

How do I return an item for a technical check up?

Wanting to get our techs to have a look over a control system for you?

Please fill out this form and follow the steps.

Once you have filled the form out, please print a copy and include with the returning system. 

Note, items will not be accepted/actioned if this form has not been filled out or if no information has been sent with the system.


Can I get a copy of the manual for ...?

To download a copy of the manual for any of our automation models or accessories (eg keypads)  - please click here for our list of manuals.

Select the model of motor / automation you have, or the accessory you are interested in, and you will be able to download the version of manual that we have.

Do this first if you are having any technical questions or queries, as the majority of answers will be within the relevant manual.

If you are unsure (or can't remember) of the model you have, have a browse through our Automation & Parts catalogue from the headings at the top of the page - use the pictures of the different products to help identify your model, then you can come back to this page and select the appropriate model.

Select your manual to download here